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Lagos Women 2030 Read blog

MIYF supported the host of Pre-summit girl's camp in Lagos State

Building the Future: MIYF at the Lagos Girls' Camp.

The future was bright at the recent Pre-summit Girls' Camp held in Lagos State, and MIYF was proud to be a part of it! The camp buzzed with energy and excitement as young women from across the state came together for a day of learning, empowerment, and connection.

While details about individual participants cannot be disclosed for privacy reasons, we can share the highlights of this impactful event.

The day was filled with engaging activities and workshops designed to:

Spark Confidence: Through interactive sessions, girls explored their strengths, talents, and leadership potential. The supportive environment fostered a sense of self-belief and encouraged them to dream big.

Equip for Success: Workshops on communication, financial literacy, and problem-solving equipped the girls with valuable life skills. These skills will empower them to navigate challenges and make informed choices on their life journeys.

Connect and Inspire: Mentorship sessions and networking opportunities allowed the girls to connect with inspiring role models and build valuable relationships.

The Lagos Girls' Camp was a resounding success! MIYF is proud to have supported this initiative that empowers young women to become the confident, capable leaders of tomorrow.

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